This results in tightening and firming of the skin around your eyes as new collagen is produced. This treatment features an advanced Korean radio frequency micro-insulated needle system called AGNES to effectively get rid of loose skin under the eyes. The Plаѕmа Pen dеvісе originally bеgаn as аn effective non-surgical blерhаrорlаѕtу (baggy eyelid соrrесtіоn).
High Technology Needle
Square Waveform RF
No Surgery, No Scars, Minimal Downtime
Target Tissue Coagulation Function
What is 'Radio Frequency Microneedling?
Radiofrequency is a type of energy, which measured in frequency per second and fall into the range of 300KHz to 5MHz. The microneedle penetrate the skin layer and deliver radiofrequency energy to the target tissue to induce new collagen and elastin production helping skin become firmer and tighter by the producing heat. Unlike the laser procedure, the radiofrequency microneedling procedure is color-blind so that it is safe, relatively, if you are tan or have a dark color of skin. What is the difference between AGNES and other RF microneedling devices? Agnes is an RF microneedling devices like others in the market regarding the energy utilization. However, Agnes is the only RF device to produce stronger energy than other devices to the skin tissue from inducing new collagen production to destroying target such as sebaceous gland regarding the energy application. Further, Agnes is the only RF device utilizing a single pin or three pin needle as an application electrode which partially insulated to protect the epidermis or other tissues from the thermal burn.
What is 'Radio Frequency Microneedling'?
Radiofrequency is a type of energy, which measured in frequency per second and falls into the range of 300KHz to 5MHz. The microneedle penetrate the skin layer and deliver radiofrequency energy to the target tissue to induce new collagen and elastin production helping skin become firmer and tighter by the producing heat. Unlike the laser procedure, the radiofrequency microneedling procedure is color-blind so that it is safe, relatively, if you are tan or have a dark color of skin.
What is the difference between AGNES and other RF microneedling devices?
Agnes is an RF microneedling devices like others in the market regarding the energy utilization. However, Agnes is the only RF device to produce stronger energy than other devices to the skin tissue from inducing new collagen production to destroying target such as sebaceous gland regarding the energy application. Further, Agnes is the only RF device utilizing a single pin or three pin needle as an application electrode which partially insulated to protect the epidermis or other tissues from the thermal burn.